By definition, cartography is the science and art dedicated to the drawing of maps. Now, it is time to rediscover the skill of doing Cartography. Rather than looking at far-away places, we want to encourage you to look at your own community with new eyes.
In five steps, you can become a cartographer of your hometown, neighbourhood or region and its resources. For each step, you have access to resources and templates to help you along the way.
Not sure why you should get started with our Cartography toolkit? Read our case studies as an inspiration.

Before you get started
Ask yourself if you are interested in establishing a flourishing and productive community of citizens, makers, designers, and other ventures that promote circular innovation? A community that enables local production of valuable goods your city needs to thrive. The Cartography toolkit can get you closer to this goal!
But before we get there, let's start by understanding what circularity truly means for your neighbourhood or city. What local challenges do you need to overcome to create a thriving urban environment? As the facilitator of circular innovation communities, it's important to have a comprehensive understanding of the context of your urban ecosystem.
So, what can you do? Your first step is to use the first two parts of the urban ecosystem mapping template to determine whether your city or neighbourhood is within the safe boundaries of local social and ecological parameters. We have created a comprehensive workshop sheet to help you map your urban baseline. You will dive into waste generation data, explore land use change around your city, discover sources of water stress and become an ethnographer who learns about the culture of your neighbourhood. Don't worry - this workshop is designed to be a work-in-progress and you can return to it at any time.
For inspiration, see what the outcomes were for Copenhagen for this stage of the mapping process.
Resources & materials
Urban ecosystem mapping online workshop (MIRO template)
Urban ecosystem mapping offline workshop (zip file)
A workshop based on the idea of planetary boundaries to map potential ecological overshoots and social shortcomings of your neighbourhood